Author Spotlight: Charlotte Llewelyn-Wells - Secrets in Scarlet

Rising up from the sinister depths of the Arkham Horror universe comes a brand new anthology from Aconyte Books, providing a banquet of conspiracy, mystery and no end of chills. Secrets in Scarlet is a collection of thematically linked horror stories surrounding just a few of Arkham Horror’s characters and the otherworldly forces controlling their destiny. It was therefore The Book Network's extreme privilege to catch up with the editor of Secrets in Scarlet, Charlotte Llewelyn-Wells, to talk about this delightfully spooky assemblage of stories. 

Based on the Fantasy Flight Games tabletop game of the same name, the Arkham Horror novels are the perfect way to to take an extra narrative dive into the choas-riddled 1920s lore of the tabletop games. Charlotte told us that readers can expect plenty of pulp-action, thrills, creeping horror and dread… with plenty of mystery, and some incredible (if morally grey) characters.

“I absolutely adore the way that Arkham Horror blends pulp-action, dark secrets, and creeping dread!” explained Charlotte. “It’s so much fun to work with and such an amazing setting to tell stories in. I love being able to explore everything from secret cults with nefarious purposes, to facing down eldritch monsters, and the way that ordinary people deal with the extraordinary.” 

As editor, Charlotte's role lay in the creation and development of the book, which meant working closely with the story team at Fantasy Flight Games to get all the lore details needed to build this anthology. It was then a case of liaising with the authors at Aconyte Books to bring these stories to life - all the way from the initial story pitch through to editing the story drafts to really make sure Arkham Horror and the enigmatic organisation of the Scarlet Coterie were realised in a way that readers would love. 

"It’s so much fun working with lots of different authors, especially when they all have different story ideas and interests. It means we get a lot of depth to the anthology and get to explore multiple themes, locations and characters. But it can be challenging too, because I have to make sure that we’re all working in the same direction and that everyone has everything they need to do the best job they can, often on a tight deadline."

As challenging as it must have been, the end result was truly a slick one. Secrets in Scarlet is a great welcome mat for anybody previously unfamiliar with Arkham Horror, as it contains just enough of the greater universe to hook newcomers in. Charlotte was keen to tell us how expanded fiction such as this can really add a new dimension to the game worlds we love and cherish, and how they’re a way to dig deeper into the setting and the characters, to look at it in new ways, and ask all sorts of questions…

“We get to really bring these worlds to life beyond beautiful art and amazing game scenarios, and take the readers on new journeys into the settings they love. I think fiction and table-top gaming are a perfect partnership and really allow us to explore these worlds in so many different ways. “

In terms of highlights in this particular book, there are a great deal to choose from, with tales of hidden histories, deadly treasures, multiverse madness and perilous teleportation running rife through the pages. There is no character in this book who leaves the experience the same as when they entered, and rarely in any pleasant faculty.


“There are moments I adore in every single story from big action scenes to the way that authors have worked in the tiniest details that just flaw me or the emotional impact of one small decision that changes their protagonist’s entire life, and not always for the better…

Charlotte went on to explain the advantages of short stories as opposed to full length novels, and how they allow readers to explore a multitude of themes in different ways…

“They’re often a snapshot of key moments in a character’s life and we really get to dig into how their experience with the eldritch or the unknown changes things for them. It’s not always a happy ending either, but we get to explore the character’s inner strength and motivation and set them up for a new part of their life. Whether they’re ready for it or not.” 

Basically, Secrets in Scarlet is an unmissable treat. Finally, Charlotte Llewelyn-Wells was happy to pass on some advice to the aspiring editors out there, starting with the obvious…

"My best advice is to read. And to read everything. Read horror, fantasy, science fiction, romance, thrillers, non-fiction, plays, comics, classics and new releases - everything you can find even if it’s not typically something you’d read. Every genre has its own conventions, expectations, tropes, and strengths and you can learn so much by reading widely.

"As an editor, I often have to draw on my knowledge of genre, trope, and expectation so I know what readers expect and when we can break and flip things, and when we have to stick to convention. Reading widely will also give you a grounding in different types of story, and that’s essential knowledge to have. Don’t go in being dismissive of a genre either or thinking that you’re going to hate it - you might find something that surprises you!

"Also, editors deal with a lot of people and editing is as much about people as it is books, so make sure you develop your collaboration and communications skills as well."

Secrets in Scarlet is available to buy in Ebook and US Paperback at the Aconyte Books website. If you love Arkham Horror and Secrets in Scarlet, why not check out Aconyte’s other Arkham Horror novels or their other anthology, The Devourer Below, which focuses on all sorts of ghoulish nightmares! 

Ash Jacob

Ash writes features, interviews, spotlights, and book reviews.

Ash is a writer, YouTuber, and Doctor Who obsessive who loves reading and watching things. Many moons ago, he had short stories published in The Bristol Short Story Prize and The Spinetinglers Anthology. A scheme to self-publish a new novel is currently in the works.

Here’s a link Ash’s YouTube, The Chosen Chimp.

His work can be found on our blog.

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