Henry Sowter - Ronnie Hood - REVIEW

“Everyone knows Robin Hood – the hotshot with his bow, / But he had a little brother which, perhaps, you did not know.”

This delightful little illustrated children’s tale is the story of Ronnie Hood, Robin Hood’s little brother. The book takes place during their school days, where Robin is everyone’s favourite outgoing hero and an archery champion. Ronnie, meanwhile, is picked on by the other kids for being quiet and into books.

And so, Ronnie grew up watching his older brother prosper in the limelight whilst he was shunned and pushed away. But he knew what made him happy – and that was peace and learning.

Robin didn’t let his infamy get to his head, though! He loved his younger brother, and was sure to let him know!

Whilst you might expect other people’s judgemental perceptions to drive the brothers apart, in a wholesome twist it brings the two closer together. Their skills and personalities perfectly compliment one another! Robin encourages his younger brother with his loving charm, and  Ronnie makes it his mission to use his smarts to figure out a way to improve Robin’s archery skills with maths and science!

This quick read – which is beautifully illustrated by Sarah-Leigh Wills – is a lovely little tale about being true to yourself. Aimed at readers aged three to eight, it’s a kindly written lesson in embracing what makes you happy, no matter what anyone else says.


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